Earthmate AGRITEX® 2 in 1 Composited Super Weed Control Fabric is a needle punched combined cloth with 50gsm non-woven textile and 90gsm weed barrier, offering a higher material density than many of its competitors. Being black and UV resistance, 2 in 1 Composited Super Weed Control Fabric creates more shade beneath which allows higher numbers of water and oxygen to reach the soil below, making 2 in 1 the perfect weed suppression fabric. The unique benefit of 2 in 1 Composited Super Weed Control Fabric is that the product stabilizes and strengthens what is placed upon it. It reduces rutting and unevenness, eliminates loss of stone and subsoil and loss of bedding sand. Combined with mulch or decorative gravel it eliminates light and therefore restricts weeds from growing.