Vigortex® Asphalt Reinforcement Composite Glass Fiber Grids

Earthmate Vigortex® Vigortex® Asphalt Reinforcement Glass Fiber Composite Grid are high strength glass filament knitted on Nonwoven Geotextiles. The alkali resistant glass filament grids are knitted on the PP Polyester Nonwoven Geotextile to be square meshes. Earthmate Vigortex® Asphalt Reinforcement Glass Fiber Composite Grid GFC were introduced for Long Lasting asphalt roads construction, rehabilitation of cracked roads etc., It conforms to EN 15381:2008 Standard and is generally used between asphalt layers, cement stabilized layer or on concrete surface directly.

  • Asphalt Reinforcement
  • Anti-cracking
  • Rehabilitation of Asphalt Pavement
  • Rehabilitation of Concrete Pavement with Asphalt
  • Embankment of Soft soil
  • Railway and Airfield Construction

  • Flexibility, installation-friendly
  • Stability even at low temperatures
  • Long term dynamic load-carrying capacity
  • Easy recycling
  • Cost saving
  • Sealing, preventing the rain and oxygen to penetrate into the road structure
  • VGFC50
  • VGFC100

Earthmate® is a leader in the geosynthetics industry for providing innovative and cost-effective solutions to support the unique challenges of civil engineering, environmental and geotechnical projects across a variety of sectors including: road construction, water and waste management, mining, oil & gas, retaining wall, containment and agriculture.